Kai-Lan Newsletter – February 17, 2021

Newsletter – February 17, 2021

BIOFACH eSPECIAL 2021 : Let’s go !

The 32nd edition of BIOFACH-VIVANESS will therefore be 100% digital.

With sanitary crisis and distancing rules, this year the world’s largest gathering of organic food and healthcare operators – which usually takes place in Nuremberg, Germany – will be virtual.

After a little difficult set-up, the fair starts up today untill Friday February 19. The platform will remain available after this date to provide access to a lot of information.

More than 1,200 exhibitors from 80 countries around the world will attend the meeting.

In concrete terms, how does that work ?

During the 3 days of the fair, e-exhibitors will present their company as well as their products through documents, pictures and videos and can also create their own discussion forums and invite specific participants.

E-visitors, after registreting and completing a questionnaire on their areas of interest, have been suggested a list of targeted exhibitors or can freely contact the persons of their choice for a chat, a video call in direct or to arrange a future meeting.

The theme chosen for the BIOFACH 2021 edition: “Shaping the transformation. Stronger. Together “or how different social movements and the organic food industry could better achieve their goals (climate protection, greater biodiversity, greater equity in the supply chain etc …) by acting together.

See you on the fair! http://www.biofach.com/

BREXIT & ORGANIC: How does it work ?

On January 31, 2021, it has been 1 year since the UK officially left Europe.

Although European rules continue to apply until 12/30/2021, the provisional trade and cooperation agreement signed between the EU and the UK at the end of December 2020 entered into force on January 1, 2021 and established new rules.

If no tax is foreseen on the goods, it will be difficult to avoid the indirect costs associated with new importation procedures. Steps that may seem quite complex, especially for operators who have not yet experienced this kind of formalities.

For more details, french operators have to contact their Control Body, the DGCCRF or send an email to brexit@agriculture.gouv.fr

Not easy to see very clearly, especially when the interpretations of texts are sometimes different from one organization to another or from one country to another!

How to continue receiving organically grown goods from the UK? Here after some information :

First of all, you must declare yourself an importer with your Organic Certifier and be registered as an operator / importer of organic products on the TRACES NT system. A Certificate of Inspection (COI)  must be issued on TRACES NT for each consignment imported, except from Northern Ireland, and presented to the competent authorities prior to customs clearance. Sanitary and Phytosanitary controls (SPS) are carried out at the Border Control Posts (PCF) by the General Directorate of Customs. In France, the PCFs of Dunkirk, Le Havre and more recently Calais would be dedicated to imports of organic foodstuffs from non-animal origin.

What about the consequences of the English variant of Covid-19?

French and foreigner truck drivers must present a negative PCR test of less than 72 hours or failing that an antigenic test validated by the French Ministry of Health. Antigenic tests are carried out on dedicated sites set up by the British authorities so that the drivers can quickly have the results and board to France if all goes well.

In short, enough to discourage more than one …

OLIVE OIL IN SPAIN : An unexpected harvest !

Clearly, 2020 will have been a very special year with lot of surprises at all levels!

Whereas since the summer the forecasts go well with a harvest announced at 1,800,000 tons in Spain and that the customers wait for lower prices, nothing happened as expected.

Heavy rains in November / December, firstly welcomed by farmers after a very dry period in September, slowed down the harvest. The first batches of oil suggested that the quality would be good, but the abundance of rain, the snow, the arrival of the storm Filomena with its strong winds and negative temperatures mistreated the olives (many have fallen to the ground) to the point of degrading quality. And so, in addition to having the lowest yields in the last 5 years, the quality of the oil has deteriorated.

The rare pearl this year will undoubtedly be: extra virgin olive oil of good quality, especially organic. Many lots have been classified as virgin oil.

Since the beginning of the year, a certain frenzy seems to have taken hold of the market, demand is strong from all parts : Spain, Italy, Portugal, U.E. Brazil … The batches of oil go quickly, some are even sold in a few days or even a few hours, and some buyers make eyes at the cooperatives by raising market prices. Currently, extra conventional virgins are around 2400-2500 € / MT, it is necessary to add about € 1000 € / MT for organic and virgins are around 2300-2350 € / MT.

Now, farmers’ associations think that the 2020-2021 harvest will reach 1,400,000 tons, while the most optimistic still hope that it will reach the 1,550,000 / 1,600,000 tons.

Some figures for January (source AICA) :

– Monthly production : 347,656 T compared to 460,140 T in December

– Cumulated production : 1,103,302 T

– Sales : 111,902 T

– Current stock : 1 103 091 T

But the activity in the oil mills is far from being stopped, February will still be an active month. We will see to whom next figures will prove right…

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