Cabinet Boyer becomes Kai-Lan
« Nothing is lost, nothing is created,everything is transformed »Antoine Lavoisier Cabinet Boyerbecomes Kai-Lan After almost 30 years at the head of Cabinet Boyer, Patrick Boyer handed over the reins to us atthe end of 2019.By creating our logo and our website, we wanted to bring renewal, and a little touch of femininitycarried by our trio… “Charlie’s […]
Show moreNATEXPO – What balance sheet for 2022 ?

While the 3rd edition of Natexpo in Lyon closed its doors on September 20, what can we learn from the event? This international exhibition of organic products gathered 10,177 professional visitors, distributed as follows: An increase in attendance of +27% compared to 2020 which is partly due to a more serene sanitary context but also […]
Show moreRICE harvest 2022 – What sauce will we be eaten?

source: While many food sectors are affected by the crisis, the Italian rice market seems to be one of the worst managed. Italian rice mills have already been facing, for many months, a drastic increase in the cost of energy, to which is added that of logistical costs, packaging etc … And then the […]
Show moreOLIVE OIL - A new tense campaign

After two complicated years due to the pandemic, everyone thought they could breathe a little. But the historically long and intense drought in Europe has dealt a fatal blow to morale and worsen the inflationary economic situation. It is therefore on the Spanish record prices of 3.95€-4€/kg in extra virgin olive oil that the new […]
Show moreOLIVE OIL SPAIN – From adventure to adventure!

The timely rainy episode from mid-March to early May was greeted with relief in Spain. It has allowed the countryside to green up, olive groves to take all the necessary water for their proper development (especially for the next harvest), and producers to breathe after several months of worry about an unprecedented winter drought. Another […]
Show moreCOBESUD – Under the sun exactly!

The sea and the sun were at the rendezvous of COBESUD, Sète grain exchange, which gathered around 400 people on May 19 and 20. It was with undisguised joy that the participants met for this 24th edition, for many brokers, traders, storage and industrial organizations, from the south of France but also from all over […]
Show moreCABINET BOYER - 30 years already!

Founded in April 1992, Cabinet Boyer celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. The company’s adventure begins with Patrick Boyer, with20 years of experience in Delta Cereals cooperative in Camargue as director of the Rice Department. He decided to stand on his own two feet and opened a brokerage company specializing in his favorite field, with Marilyne […]
Show moreRUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR – What are the impacts on the European organic market?

While the impacts of the war on global agriculture and agribusiness trade are well highlighted by many analysts, one can still wonder what they will be, specifically, on the trade in organic products. If in 2020, the sanitary crisis and the various lockdowns seem to have been rather beneficial to the sector, as highlighted by […]
Show moreSPAIN: A drought in winter!

Meteorology is often at the heart of everyone’s daily concerns, and whether for a useful or futile reason, it takes up a lot of space in our lives because in reality, it is the scene of anomalies (high temperatures in winter, abnormally low in summer, floods, tsunamis, storms …) unfortunately coherent to climate change. While […]
Show moreUKRANIAN CRISIS - And repositioning of grains flows

The economic interdependence of the countries of the world is highlighted as soon as the word “crisis” appears, and the effect on the markets is immediate, with counters that panic: on March 7 , the barrel of oil from the North Sea reached 140 dollars, close to its record of 147.50 dollars reached in July […]
Show moreAUTUMN SOWING IN EUROPE – Satisfaction everywhere

Weather conditions last autumn were favourable for winter cereals planting in almost all of Europe.
This is reported by the bulletins of the European Commission - JRC MARS Bulletins - the last of which was published on 24th January
Show moreHarvest 2021/2022 : you said rain… what rain ?

The 2021/2022 olive harvest is coming to an end in Spain and olive oil production is 867,227 tons at the end of 2021, including 530,228 tons for December alone.
The total production at the end of this campaign in Spain is still estimated at more than 1,300,000 tons, some even hope that it will reach 1,400,000 tons of oil, which would correspond to a quantity almost equivalent to that of 2020 /2021 with 1,381,538 tons.
Show moreORGANIC FARMING SECTOR – New European regulation on 1st of January 2022

The new regulation on «organic production and labelling of organic products» R(EU) No 2018/848 enter into force on the 1st of January 2022 in the European Union, and no later than 31 December 2024 outside the EU for countries without trade agreements.
Show moreINDIA – In all sights

On November 4 and for 5 days, India celebrated one of the most important holidays in the Hindu religious calendar. Diwali is the symbol of the end of the harvest and the passage from shadow to light. Bet almost successful since the country is well in the spotlight in this month of November but for […]
Show moreOLIVE HARVEST 2021/2022 – At the mercy of the climate

“And climate change this, and climate change that”: these words are on all tongues and are available internationally. On the ground, we live them, we endure them, for the worse and sometimes for the better, but no culture escapes it, and the olive tree was no exception this year. It is November and now all […]
Show moreNATEXPO 2021: Is organic market in danger?

The Kai-Lan team was present this year at Natexpo, the international exhibition of the organic products market, which was held in Paris from 24 to 26 0 October. For 3 days, 15,000 visitors walked the aisles and the 1,200 stands representing 2,500 exhibitors and brands, gathered to present their innovations to organic players. With more […]
Show moreSUMMER CROPS IN EUROPE – Despite good forecasts the market remains tight

The least we can say is that the winter crops have been particularly disappointing this year. It must be said that between June and August, Europe will have experienced many extreme weather and climate events, as highlighted by the European Commission in its latest JRC MARS BULLETIN of 20 September. Last summer was among the […]
Show moreIs the surge in containers freight prices over?

The spectacular and dizzying rise in sea freight container rates seems (finally!) to be taking a break, admittedly at an historic level: more than double the peaks reached in 2005. Today, large importing companies like Walmart in the United States, and Ikea in Europe will charter ships and buy containers to overcome carrier failures. According […]
Show moreAnd rice is no exception either….

After a soft start, even late, due to low rainfall last spring, the heat from the end of July to the beginning of August allowed an acceleration and good development of rice crops in Italy, before the lack of sun and low night temperatures observed at the end of the summer do not prevent some […]
Show moreRICE CAMPAIGN 2021 - A slow start
July 13, 2021 Here and there, we hear about rains, hailstorms, temperatures that are too low for some, too high for others. In short, so many words to sum up a rather rainy and cool spring and a beginning of summer with a sun that really slows to point the tip of its nose and […]
Show moreCROPS IN EUROPE– What are the impacts of a generally cold and wet weather?
July 13, 2021 This spring was marked by particularly low temperatures in Europe. April 2021 was one of the coldest months since1979, as highlighted in the latest European Commission bulletin JRC MARS BULLETIN of 21 JUNE 2021. Only Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey and European Russia will have seen slightly warmer than average temperatures. The month […]
July 13, 2021 The figures provided by the European Commission, in its market Briefs of June 2021 EU imports of organic agri-foods products – Key developments in 2020 show some changes in international trade in organic products. 2,794,000 tons of organic agri-food products have been imported into Europe (EU27) in 2020. The trend would be […]
Show moreEUROPEAN GREEN DEAL – What does say the European Commision on the new action plan for the development of organic production ?

22 avril 2021 Based on the results of the last action plan which has just ended (2014-2020) and the public consultation which took place from September to November 2020, the new action plan for the development of organic farming was presented by the European Commission on March 25th. The aim of the European Green Deal […]
Show moreORGANIC SOYBEAN – The small seed that is worth gold

22 avril 2021 In this period of crisis, if the sector of the organic agriculture is doing well with an ever-growing world market, it is however not without difficulty. How can we meet the growing demand from consumers who are despite everything concerned about their wallets, in a context of rising prices for most raw […]
Show moreOLIVE OIL – Once again !

22 avril 2021 For the second consecutive year, all the actors of the Spanish olive world hardly bet on an exceptional 2020/2021 campaign and cherished the sweet hope that it would reach, or even exceed, the 1,800,000 tons mark, but it was without counting on the weather whims. The heavy rains, the cold, even the […]
Show moreNewsletter - March 23, 2021 Cancels and replaces

An error slipped into our previous Newsetter in the article BIOFACH/VIVANESS 2021 – What to remember from this digital first? in the section The Organic in France, it was necessary to read “According to a survey done in 2021 by the FIBL, the organic share of the value of eggs sold in 2019 in France […]
Show moreNewsletter - February 17, 2021
BIOFACH eSPECIAL 2021 : Let’s go ! The 32nd edition of BIOFACH-VIVANESS will therefore be 100% digital. With sanitary crisis and distancing rules, this year the world’s largest gathering of organic food and healthcare operators – which usually takes place in Nuremberg, Germany – will be virtual. After a little difficult set-up, the fair starts […]
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