Kai-Lan And rice is no exception either….

And rice is no exception either….

After a soft start, even late, due to low rainfall last spring, the heat from the end of July to the beginning of August allowed an acceleration and good development of rice crops in Italy, before the lack of sun and low night temperatures observed at the end of the summer do not prevent some from maturing.

And while everyone is impatiently looking forward the harvest, because the zero stocks from the previous campaign forced some rice mills to temporarily close their doors, here again this year, the rain is coming at this crucial time for rice.

Indeed, if the latter needs to bathe its feet in water to grow, it does not appreciate the rain which stains and damages its grains at harvest time.

Faced with this unstable weather, the spikelets have a hard time drying between two rinses and their picking in the face of these disturbances is delayed.

At present, only 15-20% of the area has been harvested, suggesting that rice will not be available until mid-November.

However, except a hail episode in early September in northern Italy which has damaged some fields at 80%, the situation is not critical according to professionals in the sector.

Overall, farmers expect rather good yields and the quality should also be there.

Yet, even though very few prices are circulating, the trend is clearly upwards.

“The market is crazy,” some dare, and neither the organic sector nor the conventional sector escape this frenzy.

Originally, several factors:

– Stocks at zero from the previous campaign,

– The absence of sellers,

– The strong demand for European rice due to supply problems from Third Countries,

– The considerable increase in freight and the difficulty in finding containers,

To which are added, for milled rice

– The famous energy increase feared by all,

– The increase in the price of packaging.

This new campaign is not going to be easy and everyone is watching its progress from the corner of the eye like milk on fire.

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